
Premium BirtPackage

Home birth full package

Hospital birth full package

Elective caesarean full package

Home birth only care

Antenatal and Postnatal care

Antenatal care only

Postnatal care only

Full antenatal care throughout pregnancy
Sneak Peek Gender blood test (optional)
None Invasive Prenatal Testing (optional)
3 Antenatal ultrasound scans
Hypnobirthing sessions
Birth preparation sessions
Individualised birth planning and preparation
Breastfeeding preparation session
Colustrum harvesting kit
Parenthood preparation session
Chiropractic alignment (2 sessions)
Professional pregnancy photoshoot 
Antenatal care insurance


TWO midwives on call for your birth 24/7 (from 37 weeks)
2140l cylinder of entonox (additional cylinders £100 each)
Inflatable birthing pool
TENS Machine
Peach wood labour comb
Immediate postnatal care, including support with the initiation of your chosen feeding method
Cord blood banking (stem cells)
Placenta encapsulation
Professional birth photographer
Full Birth insurance


Home visits (minimum 9)
Newborn examination as part of the national screening programme
Newborn blood spot test
Enhanced breastfeeding or bottle-feeding support, with access to a lactation consultant (IBCLC).
CQC registered frenulotomy (if required)
2 weeks of doula support
Pelvic physiotherapist MOT
2 baby osteopath appointments
Professional baby photoshoot
Postnatal care insurance









Click the link below the package to find out more                

We recommend duel booking your care with a local NHS trust of your choice, that way should you require any obstetric care it will be easy to access. We believe strongly in multidisciplinary team working to improve safety outcomes for you and your baby and we have positive connections with many of the NHS trusts in the North West. Your chosen NHS trust will be able to provide you with your blood tests and ultrasound scans. We are able to accompany you to these appointments if you would like us to. We can also perform your blood tests at home for you if you prefer and take them to your chosen NHS trust or GP surgery for processing, at no additional cost to you. If you would prefer not to book with the NHS at all, then we will completely support your decision. Blood tests and ultrasound scans can be performed privately and we have excellent links with a private clinic who are able to do these for you (at an additional cost).



Learn more about how we can support you

Book your free discovery consultation with us and start your positive birth journey today!

 Book Here